New in Version 5
New features in version 5.0:
Multistage reactions
- The registration of multistage reactions without working up intermediates in an experiment provides the first step of the support for stepwise syntheses. The new functionality allows the management of appropriate reaction steps and intermediates or input and maintenance of data in the experiment wizard respectively. The display of reaction schemes was extended for that new type of experiments and will show the list of steps below the resulting overall reaction.
Formatted text in process description
- In the process description dialog a column can be defined with the new type 'Formatted text'. On the editing page a special floating toolbar provides all common text format options like 'bold', 'italic'...
'Page Setup' for printouts
- The new function 'Page Setup' allows the design of a printout independently of the current layout.
Save queries
- All Queries defined in the query builder dialog can be saved using distinguished query names. All search dialogs will be saved automatically when exiting ensochemLab.
Search results sort order
- The preferred sort order for experiment lists from search functions can be defined in the user settings.
Super user functionality
- Some of the functions so far reserved to administrators can now be
delegated to 'normal' user with write access. Those 'super users' can
access the following functionality by a limited administration menu:
- Manage component database
- Edit additional data definition
- Administrate target molecules
- The administrator grants the right to use either function to one or more users.
Laboratory utilities
- The availability of the laboratory utilities has been extended and simplified.
Exclude reactants from automatic calculations
- On the reactant sheet of the experiment wizard, by button or context menu, a reactant can be marked as 'exclude from automatic calculation'. Reactants with this flag will be ignored in any automatic calculation.
Sequence of binary data in experiment description
- On the description page of the experiment wizard you can define the ordering of attached binary data.
Applying additional data from target molecules
- The dialog to compare a product's additional data with a target molecule now allows copying target data to the product. Each data field can be independently marked for applying or skipping.
New field in literature data
- Literature data has been extended by the new field 'Source' (i.e. book, journal, patent etc.). An administrator can provide a lookup list for this field.
Assign literature data from other experiments
- Literature data can be applied from other experiments. This can be done by two ways:
- Copying literature data from experiment display into an ensochemLab specific clipboard with the possibility to paste these data in the experiment wizard. The clipboard can contain literature data of up to 10 experiments.
- Lookup of literature of other experiments within the experiment wizard by experiment number.
Export literature data to RIS files
- From experiment display as well as in the experiment wizard the literature data of an experiment can be exported to a RIS file.
Import literature data from RIS files
- In the experiment wizard literature data can be imported from a RIS file. Any content will be applied for which a corresponding data field in ensochemLab exists.
Features that can be deactivated
- Administrators can deactivate some program features of ensochemLab
for all users. Corresponding buttons and/or menu commands will be hidden for user.
In version 5.0 this is possible for the following features:
- Using fractions
- Using reports
- Using target molecules
New type 'Lookup' in additional data
- The additional data definition has been extended by the new type 'Lookup'. Administrators can define list of text strings either as editable or as 'select only' values. If a field allows a condition a list of editable conditions can also be defined.
- When editing formatted text (RTF) the font color can be selected with a toolbar button.
- In experiment display you can jump with Ctrl-Home to the start and with Ctrl-End to the end of an experiment. In addition the Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-PgDown keys allow a page by page navigation.
- In previous versions a report could contain the same data field not in more than one condition. Now you can defined any number of conditions for a single field.